Market intelligence
ScotWind Jobs Quick Guide from Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland have released a ScotWind Jobs Quick Guide - the clear, easy to use infographic offers an overview of:
what ScotWind is
the wide variety of job roles ScotWind offers
key and critical skills gaps
links to available information.
If you’re in the industry it will be a useful resource to help you increase understanding of what ScotWind offers, especially for young Scots looking to make the most of opportunities in their region.
Further detail on what’s here will be published in a companion guide in January.
Link: Supply Chain Factsheets for Offshore Wind
Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise have published five offshore wind manufacturing factsheets covering secondary steel, anchors and moorings, cable protection, cables and accessories and corrosion protection.
The factsheets are intended to provide background information for companies wishing to enter the offshore wind supply chain, and help companies assess where their own skills and experience can be applied to these offshore wind components with detailed descriptions of the individual areas of opportunity. The factsheets include the weights, lengths and quantities of many of the most common subcomponents in both fixed and floating offshore wind.
The Scottish supply chain has a major opportunity to enter the floating wind market in particular, as there are no existing serial production manufacturing facilities for many of the components. As Scotland will be a world leader in the deployment of floating offshore wind, this will represent a new manufacturing opportunity on the Scottish supply chain's doorstep.
Follow the link to download the factsheets.
Link: opens up great opportunities to the supply chain
Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm has selected Montrose Port as the location for its O&M base for the 114-turbine development, bringing investment and jobs to the local area for the 25-year life of the project.
Work on the operations building and repurposed warehouse is being undertaken by Montrose-based contractor Pert Bruce.
Link: Chain Impact Statement 2021, A Snapshot
Scottish Renewables’ Supply Chain Impact Statement, launched on 09 February 2022, highlights thriving companies and organisations utilising their expertise, skills and capabilities today to deliver work across all renewable energy technologies, from the Borders to the islands.
With wind energy alone pushing ambitious targets which could see its capacity increase by 231% by 2030, “the potential future pipeline in Scotland has never been stronger”, Scottish Renewables’ Chief Executive Claire Mack has said.
The third edition of the annual Supply Chain Impact Statement spotlights 32 firms working across Scotland’s renewable energy industry, which employs 22,660 people.
Organisations in the report have worked on and delivered many projects over the past year including: Scotland’s first fifth-generation heating network, a pioneering zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell train project, multiple low-carbon transport hubs, the UK’s largest community-owned hydro scheme, the world’s most powerful tidal turbine, ground-breaking floating offshore wind farms, specialist renewably-powered remote monitoring solutions and innovative artificial intelligence control systems.
Closing the Gap Technology for a Net Zero North Sea - September 2020
The OGTC released on 16 September 2020 a comprehensive roadmap setting out the critical technologies needed to deliver an integrated net-zero energy system on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), highlighting the major economic opportunity this transformation offers.
Closing the Gap: Technology for a Net Zero North Sea, produced by global natural resources consultancy Wood Mackenzie for the OGTC, with support from Chrysaor and the Scottish Government, sets out a technology roadmap for an integrated energy future in the North Sea.
The report outlines how accelerating the development of new energy technologies can dramatically reduce emissions, and how adopting new technologies will harness the full potential of the UK’s world-class natural resources from renewable power sources and oil and gas, to hydrogen and long-term carbon storage.
Maximising the opportunities to innovate across the renewable and fossil fuel sectors could create more than 200,000 new jobs across the UK and contribute more than £2.5 trillion to the nation’s economy by 2050. It would also create a diversified energy sector, support a new generation of highly skilled jobs and open up exciting export potential.
The oil and gas sector, including its workforce, supply chain and infrastructure, can enable and accelerate the growth of the renewables sector, while renewable energy sources will be critical in supporting the oil and gas industry on its journey to net zero.
Realising this integrated vision will require £430 billion of new investment to close the gap on a number of crucial technologies and accelerate their deployment. These include:
Oil and gas platform electrification, methane leak detection and flaring mitigation
Larger blades, taller towers and automated inspection technology for fixed offshore wind
Optimised and standardised floating offshore wind foundation designs
Innovative hydrogen membranes and CO2 sorbents to improve blue hydrogen yield
New saltwater electrolysis technologies to reduce the cost of green hydrogen production
Advanced catalyst materials for hydrogen fuel cells to reduce costs and improve durability
New solvents, sorbents, membranes and conversion solutions to reduce the cost of CCS
Power take off solutions and support systems for marine renewables such as floating solar
Offshore Wind and Hydrogen - Solving the Integration Challenge - July 2020
This report looks at the opportunities and challenges from integrating high levels of renewables on the electricity grid make a strong case for the synergies between offshore wind (OSW) and green hydrogen production. Offshore wind and hydrogen together form a compelling
combination as part of a net zero economy for the UK, with the potential to make major contributions to jobs, economic growth and regional regeneration as well as attracting inward investment, alongside delivering the emission reductions needed to meet our commitment to Net Zero.
Offshore Wind Sector Deal
The Offshore Wind Sector Deal builds on the United Kingdom’s global leadership in offshore wind, maximising the advantages for UK industry from the global shift to clean growth.
This Sector Deal builds on the UK’s global leadership position in offshore wind and seeks to maximise the advantages for UK industry from the global shift to clean growth, consistent with the Clean Growth Grand Challenge.
Tap the title to access the full report.