Powering Scotland’s East Coast


ScottishPower Renewables - East Anglia Hub: Webinar Replay available

Forth and Tay Offshore invites its members and supply chain companies to listen again to the virtual East Anglia Hub wind farm project update with ScottishPower Renewables.

ScottishPower Renewables is proposing to construct its future offshore windfarms, East Anglia THREE, East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North, as a new ‘East Anglia Hub’.

In the event that full consents are achieved in 2021, for East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North, the EA Hub concept will increase efficiencies and could deliver multiple and wide-reaching benefits such as reduced construction timescales, sustained contracting opportunities for the supply chain and a reduction in the cost of renewable energy.

The East Anglia Hub would comprise between up to 263 next generation turbines in the southern North Sea generating up to 3.1GW. The offshore and onshore layout of the East Anglia THREE, East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects would remain as originally planned.



  • Opportunities to engage - Offshore Wind Growth Partnership
  • Winning business - Open4Business
  • East Anglia Hub project update - ScottishPower Renewables
    Ross Ovens - East Anglia Hub Project Director
    Victoria Sinclair - Senior Supply Chain Strategy Manager
    Julio De La Jara - Offshore Wind Supply Chain Manager
  • Q&A

ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia Hub Wind farm locations

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