Powering Scotland’s East Coast


Forth and Tay Offshore - ScotWind Webinar with Crown Estate Scotland

Join Forth and Tay Offshore who are joining forces with Crown Estate Scotland to provide a Supply Chain insights for the recently announced ScotWind leasing.


Crown Estate Scotland has launched the up to 10GW ScotWind offshore wind leasing round, the first in Scottish Waters for a decade.

As part of any lease application, Developers will have to submit a Supply Chain Development Statement for outlining how they intend to engage with and utilise supply chain to develop their proposed offshore wind projects.


You will hear directly from the Crown Estate Scotland, the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council and Scotland’s economic development agencies on their efforts to support the delivery of this growth industry and the vital information your business needs to capitalise on these opportunities.


Register now



  • Opportunity and ambition for Scotland - Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council
  • Developer engagement strategy - Gillian Morrison – Senior Development Manager, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Supply chain development opportunity - Colin McIver – Development Manager, Crown Estate Scotland / ScotWind
  • SDI Investment support - Simon Wallace – Renewable Energy Team Leader - Scottish Development International
  • Q&A - Paul O’Brien – Senior Development Manager, Highlands and Islands Enterprise

ScotWind proposed leasing sites.

In this section
